New Students
New to BSR or the world of horses? Not to worry! We're here to help answer your questions

New Student Lesson Package
We know that there is a lot to learn when first entering the world of horses and to help every student get off on the right track, our "New Student Lesson Package" has been designed to offer a comprehensive foundation in the basics. You will receive a total of 8 lessons which can be use in one month, for two lessons per week, or spread out over an 8 week period. Students will learn how to safely interact with horses including haltering, leading, grooming, and learning to saddle up independently. When riding, you will learn how to safely mount and dismount, and will begin to learn how to safely control the horse under saddle. This package requires a minimum of 3 participants to be valid. Currently priced at $320.00 USD
What do I need to bring to my first lesson?
Make sure you bring your Liability Release Form and your Lesson Policy Agreement with you. We also ask that you take a few minutes to read our Baker School of Riding Manual before you come, which covers the farm rules and policies. All the forms you will need are located on our Forms page. Long Pants (well- fitting pants that go all the way to the ankle, no capris, shorts, or cropped pants, please), Shoes with a 1 inch catch heel (no more than 1.5 inches), such as the shoes pictured below and a ASTM-SEI approved helmet (also shown below) Links to all of these products are now available in our online store! Lesson helmets are available to rent for $3/ride if you do not own one when you first start taking lessons. Please make sure everyone (including guests!) have close toed shoes such as sneakers, or waterproof boots when at the farm. Thank you!
Why do I need all of this?
Here at BSR, safety is one of our main priorities, and to help keep you safe, these items are basic safety precautions. Boots with a 1 inch catch heel help to prevent the rider's foot from sliding through the stirrup iron, long pants help prevent chafing from the saddle and stirrup leathers, and a helmet can help protect your head in the event of a fall. Even though our horses are very well trained, horses are big powerful animals and can be easily frightened as they are a prey animal and their first instinct is to run away. A fall from a height of over 5 feet in the air is enough to give anyone a serious concussion or worse, and a helmet greatly reduces the risk of a head injury.
Where do I purchase boots and a helmet if I choose not to borrow them?
Our favorite products are now available in our online shop! We did the hard work and found all of our favorite boots, helmets, and riding gear so you don't have to! Just click the link to our online store to view the available selection. There are also several good stores that stock affordable helmets and footwear if you need to purchase these items. When purchasing a helmet, please be sure that it fits correctly. It should fit snuggly without giving you a headache, and should move your forehead up and down when you wiggle the front. It should not slip side to side, and the harness should be properly adjusted so it will not slip over your chin.
BSR Shop

Local Stores:
Hope Hill Tack Shop (Baldwinsville, NY)
Nedrow Saddlery (Nedrow, NY)
Country Max Cicero, NY Tractor Supply
Equestrian's Choice (Baldwinsville, NY)
North Country Tack Box (Parish, NY)
What should I expect during my first horseback riding lesson?
To have fun! Our lesson program is designed to meet your individual needs as a rider. We want to get to know you and your horse experience, and learn what we can do to help you meet your goals. If your first lesson is also your first visit to Baker School of Riding, we would be happy to give you a tour of the farm and facilities. If you are new to riding, a good portion of the lesson will be spent learning how to safely interact with horses and learning how to groom and tack up. We will also move to the arena and start learning the basics of riding, and finish with properly putting our horse away when finished riding. If you have previous horse experience, we will take some time reviewing the basics to help our instructor gauge your previous knowlege and experience to develop an individual plan for you.